Recently, a friend whom I met through my Orff Levels in Singapore shared how she could now use consistent images for Kodaly and Orff learning with music fonts. I discovered the following paid resource:
I think that it’s actually very cool!
I’ve been using Sibelius for my music works and also classroom related materials and I think this is another good improvement and development towards how music teachers can present their work.
I also took the liberty of Googling for free music fonts that we might be able to use without paying. [If you are as resource-weak as me, free stuff is a joy!]
Free Music Fonts downloads [I used this font to create the image for this post’s feature image]
I like to DIY in some ways and I wondered how these people came up with their own fonts.
Lo and behold…
How to create your own font video
There are many resource or videos like that.
One of these days…. I will make my own fonts!!!!

[The above font is made with this:]